When was the last time your voice got shut down?

A message from Ruth:

I’ll bet you can remember very clearly the times when you tried to express yourself, tell somebody how you felt or communicate something important and it was met with much less than the desired response, a negative reaction, even an abusive or violent reaction. 

This sets up fear and the anticipation that you are going to get a negative reaction whenever you speak your mind. It literally creates a neural pathway in the brain that gets hardwired. So whenever you have to have an uncomfortable conversation, your body goes into the fight or flight response, and your brain releases the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Ever feel like your voice is “stuck” in your throat? That’s the result of the old neural patterning - the energy of the voice becomes blocked. 

I think many of us have experienced vocal shut downs as children. When kids are expressing themselves with shouts and screams and yelling what do we tell them? What were you told? Sit down and be quiet! It is interesting but very telling when I observe the resistance in my clients with making organic sounds. They are surprised that something so simple as a cry or yell gets stuck in their throats!

I wish I could say that the discomfort will go away if you "just follow this quick tip." What works is continually putting yourself out there - don’t shy away from speaking your mind, sharing your feelings, having that confrontation, even through the fear and discomfort. And don’t worry, the universe will not let you get away with avoiding this - it will keep putting those opportunities in front of you. 

Your body will also give you signs, as well. Little red flags that can come in the form of various health issues.  It’s trying to let you know that these emotions are building up and need to be expressed. When you disown or disconnect from your voice, your right of expression, you create a block in your flow of energy which inhibits your body’s inherent healing abilities. 

I love Brene Brown’s quote, “You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability.”  We will break the cycle of fear by making ourselves vulnerable over and over again to speak what is in our heart. 

Sound Healing Tools

Just back from a trip out to Sedona, AZ. Sitting on top of Submarine Mountain with my sound healing friend, Gina, a flute and a Tibetan bowl in hand, we played...when the wind allowed it. Sometimes we just listened to the music of the wind. My heart responds to all healing sounds, to me it is all music. There is a song in everything, and to heal with sound, you need only to find the song that brings forward a healing response. Sitting on top of that mountain as the wind washed through me, and the sun warmed me, and I played Gina’s flute, and Gina played her bowl, I started to think about the many varied sonic tools we can use for healing.

Did you know that just listening to soothing music can raise nitric oxide levels in your blood? Even better than listening to music, you can simply hum a happy tune and raise your levels of nitric oxide. That brings me to the first sonic tool I want to highlight: your voice.


Your voice is calibrated to your body, and if you know how to use it, you can bring balance back into your body. One of the most powerful and under-appreciated instruments is your voice. When you hum, or otherwise make self-created sounds, you are vibrating your internal organs and releasing nitric oxide into your blood stream, which increases the amount of oxygen in your cells, and that in turns improves immunity. Pretty cool, right? 

Not sure that you are ready to self heal through vocalizing? A sound healer can use a variety of tools, including voice, to help bring you back into balance.


Vocal sound healers have developed their voices to produce tones rich with harmonics. Some vocal sound healers use a technique called overtone singing, where the listener is able to discern two to three notes at a time. A vocal sound healer uses the voice with intention to project sound into your physical and subtle energy bodies to release tension, dissolve discordant energy, and bring you into a state of harmony.


Crystal singing bowls are made of quartz crystal that has been heated to 4000 degrees, its melting point, and then poured into a mold and formed into a bowl. Clear quartz is prized for its ability to amplify energy, including thought energy and the healing properties of other crystals. Clear quartz singing bowls amplify pure white light. If the quartz has been alchemized to blend with other minerals, metals and crystals, it will amplify the healing properties of those elements as well.


Tibetan singing bowls are made of a variety of metals, including iron, copper, zinc, tin, mercury, gold and silver. Modern bowls are also made of bronze. Tibetan bowls are used in both ambient settings and directly on the body. When used as an ambient tool, the practitioner will strike the bowl to initiate sound, or rim play the bowl to created a drone-like sound. The effect is very relaxing, and can produce a state of meditation. When placed on the body, the vibrations will pulse deep into the tissues, relaxing and releasing tension that is held there.


When you strike a tuning fork it produces a sound that resonates a rich and pure tone over a relatively long period of time. Traditionally tuning forks were used to tune musical instruments. Sound healers use tuning forks to re-tune the human bio field. Tuning forks can be used around the body, or in the case of weighted tuning forks, vibrating directly into the body. They work by entraining the bio field to the resonant patterns of the tuning forks, thereby bringing the body into balance and harmony.


Wind chimes or wind bells have been used throughout Eastern and Southern Asia as a tool to ward off evil spirits and attract beneficent spirits. They are hung off of sacred structures and pagodas. Today they are used in sound healing for their relaxing tones, and to add texture to healing music.


Together, the bell and dorje represent wisdom and compassion. The dorje is held in the right hand and symbolizes the ability to transform all experience into an enlightened perspective. The bell is held in the left hand and is a symbol of The Great Mother (she from whom all things come). The hollow of the bell symbolizes a void from which things come forth, including sound that radiates outward and then dissolves back into a void. When the bell is played it both invites deities to participate in ceremony, and drives away disruptive forces. Sound healers use these bells for their beautiful rich tones, and their ability to transmute discordant energies into harmony.


Gongs have been used in ritual ceremony, prayer, and meditation since the Bronze Age. When gongs are played the electrons in their metal become excited and form an oscillating plasma field, or plasmon. When metal electrons become excited they leave their atoms and join other atoms, so the activity of the plasmon is happening off the surface of the gong. This means that the listener becomes part of that field of energy. Gongs move energy powerfully and can dissolve emotional and physical patterns of dissonance.


Percussion instruments are the non-pitched instruments in the sound healers bag of tools. Percussion breaks frequency. Its that simple. Pitched instruments produce frequency and can be used to transform the energy within your subtle energy bodies and your physical body. Percussion, on the other hand, breaks frequency and can be used to break up energetic patterns. They also add texture to the symphony of sounds that create healing music.

Sound healers use sonic tools as mighty as the wind and as gentle as a summer day to bring harmony back to the body, mind and spirit. If you haven’t yet experienced sound healing, try it. It’s good for you! As the late Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.”


Humming Along

I bath in soft fall sunshine as I walk, and I feel ripples of peace wash over me, I feel joy bubbling up from my toes. I am vibrating; I am humming along. This is the song of my heart, it is the expression of my soul in appreciation for this beautiful, beautiful day.

My heart has sung many different kinds of songs, some joyful and some pitying, and some that I wish I never sang. These days I try to be more conscious in my choices. I choose to sing peaceful, joyful, radiant songs. When I walk down the street, I want to make it a better place for myself and everyone else. I sing songs of friendship with the words that I speak. I sing songs of strength putting action to my words. I sing songs of humility when I learn that I am wrong. I sing songs of forgiveness when I am wronged. I hope I always sing songs of love and healing.

I am a healer, a teacher, a poet, and a singer of songs. My life is the symphonic vibration of my emotions, thoughts, words and actions. Each day I add a new movement to my symphony. I hope when I get to the end of my life I will like what I created. I hope I won’t crescendo too early. I really hope the end is not in a minor key. I hope my symphony is beautiful, even if it has tragic moments. I hope I will have made the kind of music that people want to remember. 

When I leave this earth plane, I want to know that the vibrational patterns I created added love to this world. I want to look back and know that I hummed along in a way that added magnificent light to the human song, and blended brilliantly with all other songs. I believe there is no one, but all are one, and in being one we create the world together. I want to walk with you in golden sunlight, peace radiating over us, joy rising within us, harmonizing our soul songs as we hum along together.

What Kind of Energy Are We Swimming In?

What is negative energy and where does it come from? The simplest answer is that we all can produce negative energy through our thoughts. Our thoughts are electrical impulses that are surrounded by electromagnetic energy. Just like a stone dropped in water creates ripples that travel outward from it, every thought we have pulses outward into the great ocean of consciousness. We are all conscious beings, and our thoughts, lovely and hateful, are the pool of energy in which we all are swimming. 

When I was child I remember adults saying, “If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all.” Good advice, but it does not go far enough. Really, if we say nice things and think the opposite, we still have a negative impact. Ugly thoughts create low frequency vibrations that not only degrade our etheric bodies (which will make one sick), they also degrade the energy of our environments. Our homes, schools and businesses become polluted with the low frequency vibrations of our thought forms. 

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” We all deserve kindness, gentleness and forgiveness. Think loving light filled thoughts. If we can do this one thing, we can transcend and transmute negative vibrations, and transform the energy pool, in which we all are swimming, into a nourishing ocean of light.

Good Vibrations

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

   Tesla said it perfectly, and I want to delve into what that means for you. You are composed of energy that is vibrating at many different frequencies. And, you are affected by the many different frequencies of vibrating energy in your environment. A voice raised in anger can make you feel low, and birds singing outside your window can make you feel high. Each sound interacts with you; it is energy, and so are you. Your energy, in turn, interacts with all that is around you. 

    Your thoughts create energetic patterns much the same way a stone dropped into a body of water creates ripples extending outward in all directions. Happy people generally think good thoughts, and they are fun to be around, they make everyone feel good. It is like the Beach Boys said, “Good, good, good...good vibrations.” That’s right, good thoughts produce good vibrations, or high frequencies. Positive thoughts make you feel good, they make the people around you feel good, and they keep you healthy. Intuitively you have always known this to be true. 

    Everyone has heard that “laughter is the best medicine.” Laughter creates good vibrations, high frequency vibrations that are not conducive to supporting the life of a low frequency microbe. Have you ever used the phrase, “he has good energy,” to describe another person? Good people, with their good thoughts, create rippling pools of good energy. Ever have a “low energy day?” When you have low energy you are indeed vibrating at a lower frequency than what is natural for you. It is not a coincidence that the follow up to “feeling low” is often a cold. When you feel low, open your window and invite in the sounds of nature, play uplifting music, or "sing your heart out." The high energy sounds will raise your vibration, and before you know it, you will be feeling better. When you are happy, you are healthy, and the frequencies you project through your thoughts, words and actions bless everyone.